At Raz Surf Camp we have it very clear…
Up until now, surfing has been all about our health and fitness. But then what happens when we run out of waves because we have to stay confined at home? It may have happened to many of us in our forties: where do we get everything we used to get from the sea? Health, exercise, fun, movement, connection, nature, social life, adrenaline, challenges… the list is endless.
What we may see in a situation like this is that we had become specialists: we only knew one way to get home and now that it is cut off, we feel lost.
And if all we want to do is stay healthy and relatively fit, it shouldn’t be too difficult to meet our goals with some information we can find online and some basic training at home.
But, let’s be honest, counting sets and reps for an hour of exercise a day isn’t going to come close to what we’re used to. Because nobody is counting the number of waves and sets of paddles in the water… We didn’t need motivation to move when we saw a perfect peak breaking in front of the camp…
When we surf we don’t have a “workout” mentality, we have a play mentality. Everything happens organically and we’re not doing it to achieve anything. Being in the water and catching a couple of waves is valuable in itself. And this is very clear from your enthusiasm during any given week of camping in Razo.
So, back to the beginning… what do we do when we can’t surf? The reality is that there are no formulas or simple answers.
Limits breed creativity and the impossibility to go to the sea all this time has been an opportunity of discovery for many of us: we tried an online class, then a training session we did years ago, we asked a friend who does this, we explored, we got confused, we learned to do a handstand, we tried meditation, we read a fitness blog, we started an online yoga course, we watched a marathon of surf videos, we visualised a bit of technique… and at some point we recovered that desire to play with the same seriousness as a child, as if what we were doing was the most important thing in the world. Translated with (free version)
Since this weekend we have been able to go out and many of us have been able to get back in the water. And as obsessed as we still are with surfing, it is possible that we also have a more open perspective and that we are not going to stop trying new things even though we have recovered the waves.
It’s getting closer and closer to be back at Raz Surf Camp, with our surf lessons, our yoga, our unbeatable beach and all the new things that this season is going to bring us. Surely many of you couldn’t be more eager to come for the first time… and we know that those of you who have already come are dying to repeat…
Have you tried new ways of moving during the quarantine? Have the limitations triggered your creativity?
Don’t stop playing and see you soon!